׊×××׊ ××× ×ĸ×××Ē××× ×××××× ×× ×ĸ××××Ē × ×Ą×Ēר××Ē
××Ą× × ××Ē ×××××× ×Š××ץ×× ×× ××¤× ××××× ××× ×, ×ר×××Ē ××קר ××× × ××ĸ××.
×××××× × ××××Ē ××ĸ×Ē××××ק ××ר×××× ×ĸ× ×Ą×× ×××××× × ××××Ē ××ĸ×Ē ×××××Ē××Ē ×Š× ××ר×××.
×׊×Ē××Š× KAYAK ×××××× ×××Ē××¨× ×Fairmont Chateau Laurier, The Business Inn ×Lord Elgin Hotel ××׊ר ×× ××פ׊×× ×××× ×ץ××× ×Canadian Tribute to Human Rights.
××׊×Ē×׊×× ×Š× KAYAK ××Ļ×× ××ר×× ×××××× ×קר××Ē ×ק×× Canadian Tribute to Human Rights ××××ר ××× ×Š× âĒ98 ××××× 3 ××××× ×××ר×× ××. ××××ר ×××××Ļ×ĸ ××× âĒ193.
××××× ×-3 ×׊×ĸ××Ē ×××ר×× ××Ē, ×׊×Ē×׊×× ××Ļ×× ×××× ××Ē ×קר××Ē ×ק×× Canadian Tribute to Human Rights ×××××× ××××ר × ××× ×Š× âĒ98.  ×׊×Ē×׊×× ××Ļ×× ×× ×××× ××Ē ×××ר×× 3 ×××××× ××× ×-âĒ292 ××××× ××Ē ×××ר×× 4 ×××××× ××× ×-âĒ413.
××××× ×-72 ×׊×ĸ××Ē ×××ר×× ××Ē, ×׊×Ē×׊×× ××Ļ×× ×××× ××Ē ××× Canadian Tribute to Human Rights  ×ץ××Ŗ ×׊×××ĸ ××× ××××ר × ××× ×Š× âĒ326 ×××××. ×׊×Ē×׊×× ××Ļ×× ×× ×××× ××Ē ×××ר×× 3 ×××××× ××× ×-âĒ326 ××××× ××Ē ×××ר×× 4 ×××××× ××× ×-âĒ424.
×× ××פ׊×Ē ××ר×× ×¨××× ×× ××××× ×׊×××Ē ׊×× ××Ē×× Canadian Tribute to Human Rights, ×× Andaz Ottawa Byward Market-a concept by Hyatt, Lord Elgin Hotel, ×The Business Inn ×× ×פ׊ר××××Ē ×××××Ļ××Ē.
×× ×Ē×× × ×Ē × ×Ą××ĸ× × ××××××× ×ĸ× ×× ××׊פ××, ×××××Ĩ ×××Ē××¨× ×§×¨×× ×Canadian Tribute to Human Rights. ×Andaz Ottawa Byward Market-a concept by Hyatt, Lord Elgin Hotel, ××× The Business Inn.